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Babyn Yar, 2020, photo by Yevgen Nikiforov for

Does Memory Sprout?

Organization Past / Future / Art

Period 2021

Lost childhood ("Втрачене дитинство")

Lost childhood ("Втрачене дитинство")

Organization "Territory of Terror" Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes

Period 2021

Cultural Heritage Documentation Center

Inside the front line

Organization "Battle for Dniepr" Museum

Period 2019-2021

History of the Minsk ghetto: website, test and didactic guide

History of the Minsk ghetto: website, test and didactic guide

Organization Leonid Levin History Workshop


7 stories of witnesses of military events

7 stories of witnesses of military events

Organization Leonid Levin History Workshop


Online version of the exhibition "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War"

Online version of the exhibition "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War"

Organization Leonid Levin History Workshop

Period 2020

Johannes Rau International Education Centre (IBB Minsk)

Multiple Perspectives on History

Best practices

Organization International Centre for Education and Exchange (IBB Dortmund)

Period 2020 - 2021

History of Stalag 352. The future is shaky, the memory is real.

History of Stalag 352. The future is shaky, the memory is real.

Best practices

Organization Save Masyiukoušcyna

Period 2020 - 2021



Best practices

Organization Denk.mal Inklusiv

Period 2020 - 2021

artist Uladzimir Hramovich

Wedding During War

Best practices

Organization VEHA

Period 2020 - 2021

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