2020 - 2021
Project objectives
Mapping of places of historical events and personalities in the context of inclusion, providing accessible information in sign and plain language about monuments and places of remembrance, giving silences memories a platform.
Project description
The Denk.mal Inklusiv team is made up of people with and without disabilities who are committed to inclusive commemoration.
We are a loose association of the non-profit organizations Kopf, Hand + Fuß, Schwarzenberg e.V. and other freelancers, will soon present its current project memorymApp.
MemorymApp is an inclusive map that provides information about places of remebrance in Berlin accessible to everybody. Selected monuments and places of remembrance are presented in plain language and in sign language. The group Denk.mal Inklusiv has collected this information, translated it into easy language and sign language and put it online.
The map invites visitors to participate. Contributions are collected from all interested parties about places that are still missing from the map. More details will be available soon at
Project outcomes
Development of an accessible map of Berlin's places of remembrance that functions similarly to a wiki
Accessible content in plain and sign langauge developped