Online version of the exhibition "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War"

Online version of the exhibition "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War"

Project objectives

A team of educators and experts from the Historical Workshop and the Belarusian Archive of Oral History presented a didactic guide for schoolchildren and teachers, with the help of which they can look at the individual stories of war victims, the forms of their persecution through the prism of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The exhibition and the online version of the exhibition can supplement this manual visually and informatively.

Project description

The didactic manual "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War" consists of 14 brochures, 50 biographical cards and a CD with electronic materials. The authors have selected the minimum necessary material which is sufficient for a good understanding of such important topics as World War II and Human Rights. They are clearly explained, taking into account the age-related cognitive capabilities of students in grades 9-11.

The exhibition "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War" is prepared as a visual information supplement to the didactic manual. The online version of the exhibition (the format is designed to be viewed primarily on a smartphone) reveals the content of each of the 8 thematic stands of the exhibition and contains additional information.

The didactic manual "(Un) Forgotten Victims of War" and the exhibition can be used both together and separately during the lessons and extracurricular activities.

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