History of Stalag 352. The future is shaky, the memory is real.
2020 - 2021
Project objectives
To settle in the public consciousness the memory of the tragedy of prisoners of war Stalag 352.
Project description
The Stalag 352 multimedia guide is a short, lively and personal story based on the memories of the camp inmates. Putting together a mosaic of memories, documents and evidences, found artifacts and archival photographs, we are trying to tell the story of one of the millions of Soviet prisoners of war who died in the camps.
We know little about this person's life. We know much more about the circumstances of his death. Therefore, this is the story of one tragic day, told from scraps of different memories.
By recording a series of podcasts and bringing the documentary story to life, we supposedly restored a day in the life of a prisoner. Through this story, you can learn many facts about the tragic life of the entire camp. In the future, we plan to create a series of editions of such short stories, which will be united in a single project about the history of Stalag 352.
Project outcomes