It is Right Here

International Memorial
Photo source / author: International Memorial

Project objectives

Studying not just the topography of terror within the borders of Moscow, but also an attempt to comprehend the lack of personal freedom within the Soviet state.

Project description

"It is Right Here" is an online map, address book and database of the Soviet terror and lack of freedom in Moscow.

The boundaries of state violence range from the most extreme manifestations - shootings and torture - to the suppression of freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and other civil liberties.

Topographic optics conveys the proximity of these events to us today and, perhaps, will allow us to put the memory of this non-freedom on the mental map of modern citizens. It seems that until we explore, comprehend and appreciate the experience of terror and lack of freedom in the past, it will be more difficult for us to agree on the values, which we want as a base for building life in a modern city.

Project outcomes

Besides the actual names of Moscow streets and avenues, a modern map conveys the names of the Soviet era either. Entry into the database is possible in two ways: through the map, as well as through the contents of sections and a range of objects listed in the section.

You can connect one or more of the existing layers (sections) on the map. In the content, you can select one section only for reading at a time. Each section consists of a set of objects marked on the map, a general description of the problem and a description of the history of specific objects. Many objects have not been preserved in the city now, in this case the objects are marked in half a tone. Some objects are hard to locate with reliable accuracy - in this case, the polygons are marked with a dotted line.

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