Ukrainian Association of Oral History

Type of activity
Ukrainian Association of Oral History is a non-governmental public organization thats aims to conduct scientific and research work, to organize conferences, seminars and summer schools, as well to ensure the dissemination of professional information. It also holds editorial and publishing activities, organizes cycles of public lectures, exhibitions and books presentations.
Assiciation served as the organizer and partner for seven scientific conferences, forums, social educational projects, including the following projects: “Ukrainian Public Archive of Oral Histories” together with the Goodwill Foundation (Krakow, Poland) since 2017, Research Essay Competition "Chernobyl anf Eastern Ukraine: portraits and fates of 1986-2015" together with the International Centre For Education and Exchange (IBB Dortmund) in 2015-2016, “Vilcha - a resettled village” together with the Ruhr University of Bochum and ICF “German-Ukrainian partner network” in 2017-2018. The association supported and contributed to the publication of nine scientific and popular science materials.