“Partisans. Episodes”. Research and exhibition photo-documentary project


Period August 20, 2021 – October 3, 2021

Start time 14:00

Location Museum of the Battle of the Dnieper (Loyew)

The Museum of the Battle of the Dniepr, together with the State Archives of Public Associations of the Gomel Region presents a research and exhibition photo-documentary project “Partisans. Episodes "dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Loyew partisan unit "For the Motherland" from the collections of the Museum of the Battle for the Dnieper (Loyew) and the State Archives of Public Associations of the Gomel Region (Gomel).

Exposition space: exposition hall No. 2, exposition zone (sector) dedicated to fellow countrymen (fragmentary intervention in the sector).

Items to be exhibited: archival documents, photographic documents from the collection of the Museum of the Battle of the Dniepr and the State Archives of Public Associations of the Gomel Region.

Within the framework of the temporary exhibition “Partisans. Episodes”, the project “Inside the Front Line” will be presented, dedicated to the memory of peaceful Loyew's inhabitants who witnessed the war. These are children who survived the war in Loyew, and now, after so much time, they share their memories of the non-peaceful life of peaceful people. 

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