Belarus National Library

Type of activity
The National Library of Belarus, being at the head of the library system of the country, is the keeper of a powerful information resource. For more than 90 years it has been collecting the documentary heritage of the Belarusian people. At the present time the library collection comprises over 10 million items. Of special value is half a million collection of unique national documents published in Belarus from the early 19th century to present day, as well as publications and materials about Belarus, including foreign editions.
The library keeps more than 90 thousand of rare and early printed books and manuscripts, the earliest of which date back to the 14th–15th centuries. There is also a collection of editions of the Belarusian first printer Francysk Skaryna: 10 publications of the Bible which initiated the Belarusian book printing.
The National Library of Belarus generates its own electronic information resources and purchases other resources from the leading world prodiction companies, providing free access to national and world information resources.