Center of Digital History

Center of Digital History

Type of activity NGO

Location Ukraine, Rivne

NGO was established in 2023 by Charity Fund of Rivne Local Lore Museum and NGO Institute of Creative City.
According to our status we are a non-commercial organization which can provide the following activities:
- research and experimental developments in the field of social sciences and humanities, which are related to the study of history and culture, in a comparative and global perspective;
- international and regional events, including conferences, congresses, symposia, forums, workshops, seminars, summer schools, lectures, presentations, discussions and training in cooperation with various educational institutions;
- development and application of digital tools and methods for humanitarian research, studies, and for educational projects, development and support of digital projects and platforms;
- archiving, which includes digitization and archiving of visual, audiovisual, audio resources and other sources and materials related to the history of the humanitarian sphere; development of digital archiving projects;
- public history, in the format of interaction with the past for the general public, including:
- exhibitions;
- thematic walks and excursions;
- lectures, discussions, presentations, round tables;
- projects of public memorial spaces;
- art projects;
- multimedia projects;
- films and videos;
- support of cultural and creative industries;
- development and support of the film industry;
- educational activities, including educational activities and support of educational innovation initiatives, development and implementation of educational products, programs and platforms, including in cooperation with other institutions;